Today, I got that reminder that I am always working with my guides. My client asked a question, and it led a conversation that opened my mind.

Recently, I was watching my 9- and 5-year-old friends. The 9-year-old was a bit mean to his sister, so I made a fort with blankets and dining room chairs and told him he had to go into ‘jail’. He loved the idea and hurried inside the fort. We joked a bit about how we would feed him and then I said, “You can be released after you give your sister seven compliments.” He worked hard to think of seven, and we all laughed. His sister even got embarrassed but loved hearing flattery from her big brother.

Next, the 5-year-old wanted to go into ‘jail’ and I made a big deal about her turn to give brother seven compliments so she could be released. We all laughed and had fun.

The next time they came over we were playing our usual games with stuffed animals and the 5-year-old jumped up and requested the fort. I got the blankets, arranged the chairs and she scooted in. This time, she said that she had to give me ten compliments. The tables were turned. Immediately, I wanted to say: No, let’s give someone else compliments. How odd. I was able to quell that initial reaction. Her brother helped and it was a sweet moment of receiving! I had to laugh that my inspiration was being continued. How wonderful to open that door with little ones.

Speed forward to today, when a client’s question reminded me of ‘compliment jail’. I saw that the inspiration was from them! My guides! Silly Holly, taking all the credit. ; ) My client and I talked about how to use the idea with his children and ourselves.

We are often focused on what is wrong, how something upset us. The guides suggested that my client start a tradition where a child can complain, but then think of three things that went great. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all did that?

This bothers me, but these things are wonderful.

In the land of manifesting, the divine rule is to think about what you want to create. In this instance, let’s think of what makes us happy. Complain, sure, we all need outlets. But then, regroup and let the compliments fly.

If you are in the mood, below is a link to a Sunday Morning Free Meditation call about focused healing. You can use it to rebalance where you might be stuck in sadness, gloom, doom or fear. It’s easy to let worry dominate. But why should we when the power of positivity is a thought away?

Now, Lightworker, go give yourself some compliments!

Blessings to you – hb (look for Focused Merkaba Healing)




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