I apologize if this is redundant. If you know it. If you’ve heard a thousand times before… You’re responsible for everything in your life. And I’m responsible for everything in mine. Many of us, often called Lightworkers or Light warriors, have incarnated with a...
I have heard this question many times. Why don’t they know my thoughts? Wants? Needs? Desires? Why isn’t all this manifesting and creating easier? Let’s just get the ‘unanswered prayers’ idea out of the way. You know that sometimes we want and the timing is not great...
Since I started Raw & Real, vs my old blog: lightBLOG, I have felt pressed by the internal movement I call “my guides” to write about what is going on with me. Around 2004-ish, I noticed a trend in my inner workings: encounters or experiences that are seeds for...
If you have read Divine Accordance, or heard me speak in the last ten years, you know about it. The Discord Prayer. The single most powerful prayer in the lands. Maybe. But seriously, DP (Discord Prayer; free copy @...